Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Get ready 2014

This was my first christmas without my ex. The first year without unwrapping presents with the guy who stifled my career and personality. The first year without wishing Santa had brought me a new life.

I handled it with a marathon vacation cross country, visiting old friends. Along the way i ran into a delightful man I'll have to tell you about when I've had more sleep.

Suffice it to say, my mind is blown.

And I received a truly awesome present from new readers, who bought and commented positively on my stories. You guys added even more luster to what was maybe the best, most sinfully delightful Christmas of my life.

I hope your holidays were wonderful and i can't wait to tell you all about my latest adventure in naughtiness.

Until then,

Sunday, December 22, 2013


I don't solicit reviews. I don't beg for them, I don't pay for them. I don't ask friends for them, I don't spam blogs or Facebook. I barely mention my writing on my tumblr.
I suppose I could. Maybe I should. It's certainly not an uncommon practice. At this point, you'd almost be an idiot not to. Think about it: If there are two books you're interested in, both priced the same, but one of them has a 5-star review and the other doesn't, which one are you going to buy?

Exactly. That's why Amazon's KDP program is so important. It allows authors to give our books away for free. It introduces readers to our work for free- all they have to do is tap their screen and it's theirs.

The theory is, give away enough books, hopefully your name gets out there. Hopefully you'll attract positive reviews. Hopefully word of mouth will spread, you'll make some money. Money is great.

My buddy @Hunter Shotz mentioned to me recently that his best selling book White Slave has sold nearly two thousand copies since he first released it- and it doesn't have a single review.
You know you want to read that shit.

White Slave 2 and 3 (it's a continuing series of short stories that was collected both in The White Slave Collection and our book The Cuckold Diaries) have sold similar numbers and also have no reviews. His amount of returns is minuscule. (This isn't just him talking; I've seen his spreadsheets.)

How is that possible?

Word of mouth. That's all we can figure. That and a great cover (which he also designed).

Hunter shrugs off the review system of Amazon and Pubit, because he doesn't really give a fuck what anyone thinks. The guy grew up in a favella down in Brazil, which makes the ghettos of America seem like Disneyland. His skin is about as thick as titanium. So to watch him put his work out there, and watch other writers rack up glowing reviews for work that isn't half as good, heartfelt, or sexy...it irks the shit out of me.

At the same time, I can totally understand people not wanting to review it on a website and risk "outing" themselves as someone who gets off on forced cuckold erotica.

I guess there is no easy answer.

Whoever you are out there, whoever is buying those books and putting a smile on my boy's face when you send him emails saying "Great story"...thanks. 

Anyway, (I'm high, forgive me for being long-winded) I said all this to say this: I've been back in the erotica game for less than a month and got my first review for The Bull, a short hardcore erotica story. "Every wronged woman's dream?"

Shit, that's a good tag line for the next time I write some cuckold stuff. "Every wronged woman's dream."

You have no idea, dear reviewer. I would have turned it into a snuff story if I said how I really felt.

It's been a long fucking year for me. I got divorced following a car wreck that nearly killed me. I overdosed on oxys. I was nearly raped by someone I thought was a dear friend.
 For nearly ten months, my life was chaos, hurt, depression, and disbelief. For someone who considers herself a strong, independant person, this year was almost more than I could bear.

The last two weeks made the previous ten months of cloudiness dissipate. I almost feel like I'm back to myself. My body is back to what it was two years ago. My mind gets stronger and more perceptive every day. And I owe it all to my art.

During its two-day free run on Amazon, I gave away over 400 copies of The Bull.


At least one copy found its way to every corner of the world. Someone in fucking India downloaded it. The book peaked at #22 in the erotica section on Amazon.

And I got my first review. I got a four-star review from someone who obviously enjoyed my short little nothing of a story. A story I wrote in a few hours. It put a big-ass smile on my face and made me think, "I'm right to be doing this."
(I think that's what got me on that kick about Hunter earlier. I want him to feel the same way I felt when I logged in and saw that review.)

I published Desire's Flame, an erotic suspense novel that I worked on as a way to regain my sanity.

I have Tumblr followers who are becoming friends. I have a girl at work who confessed her lesbianism to me today. I might be investigating that tomorrow. She's so fucking gorgeous that I never would have had the guts to ask her out had I not started writing again.

 I have Hunter, who I know loves me, who inspired me to pick up the pen and start writing again. Maybe one day I'll be able to live closer to him. Maybe not, though; the two of us in the same location might be too much for city officials and disaster relief agencies to cope with. Like Eminem said, We're what happens when a tornado meets a volcano.

If he reads this, I'd give anything to have you hear right now, just to hear your annoying little monkey laugh and hang out like we used to, staying up all night smoking weed and talking about writing.

But that is the future. Right now is the present. And I know that next year isn't going to be as bad as this one was. I won't let it. I'm in love with my art, I'm in love with my life, and I'm going to kick this world's ass in revenge for 2013.

Love you.

Desires Flame

About a year ago, my buddy +Hunter Shotz told me that he was tired of writing short fiction.

"But Hunter," I said. "You're great at it."

"I know," Hunter replied with typical modesty. "But I'm bored with it. I want to write a novel."

"I'd like to write a novel too," I said. "But who has time?"

"Everyone," Hunter said. "Have you fucking seen Amazon lately?"

He had a point. And I knew there was a novel inside me, waiting to get written. The key was sitting down and actually getting the work done.

A year later, my first novel, "Desire's Flame" is finished. It was a lot of work. It was, honestly, more work than I'd ever imagined it could be. And I think in the end, it is the perfect representation of where I'm at as an artist and who I am as a person.

Romantic but not a romance. Erotic but not just about fucking. Exploring new relationships and new types of relationships. Always dangerous, especially when provoked.

It is a one of a kind book, but then, I'm a one of a kind girl.

"Desires Flame" is available as an eBook and paperback from Amazon.com, and as an eBook on Barnes and Noble.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cracked the Top 30 in erotica!


Hell Yeah!
I offered The Bull for free for a few days, and it cracked the top 30 in erotica in one day on Amazon.
Happy girl is happy.
I don't write for money. I don't write for people to tell me how much they love my stories. I write because I want people to experience the things that I've experienced. I want women to read this book and say to themselves, "I don't have to put up with this shit any more. I can control this relationship, I can control my life. I am strong."
That's the whole point.
Writing this stuff makes me stronger, too.
So fucking psyched. For those of you who downloaded The Bull, thank you, and I hope you enjoy it. For those that didn't, it will be available for free again starting Christmas day.
Love you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Beginnings

About two years ago, I began writing short erotic fiction because I get a kick out of it. And then the unthinkable happened.
I met a man.
I tried to keep my writing habits a secret, but he found out and asked me to stop.
I did.
He's out of my life now. And that's the last time I'll give up doing something I enjoy for anyone.

My name is Vonica Colt.
I am a sex addict.

I'm in the process of building my writing profile. I have a tumblr where I post some incredibly filthy pictures.

Thinking seriously about posting pictures of myself.

We shall see.

In the mean time, here is my blog, where I will share myself with the world.

I love you.